About us


You are important to God and your questions are important to us!  If you don't find what you are looking for on our site, call the church office during business hours at (734) 429-4730 or use this link to contact us.  

Need a prayer?  We would love to pray for you.  Let us know how we can pray for you and your concerns by filling out the Prayer Request form.

Plan A Visit Prayer Request


graphic: Jesus Changes Everything

  • God, who is one, is revealed in three distinct persons: the Almighty Creator, maker of heaven and earth, Jesus Christ who brings us salvation through faith, and the Holy Spirit who guides us, teaches us, and comforts us.
  • We believe all our teaching must be grounded in scripture.
  • We believe that faith is passed from one generation to another through our rich, Wesleyan traditions.
  • As each new generation and person is reached by Christian teaching, their experience brings that teaching to life.
  • We believe in asking questions, wrestling with doubts, and using reason to help us seek God’s will with the help of the Holy Spirit..
  • Central to our understanding of Christian faith and life is grace. It is so important that we have a three-fold way of talking about it!
  • First, prevenient grace… or God’s active presence in our lives. We believe that before we even know who God is, God seeks us!
  • Second, justifying grace… or the work of forgiveness and restoration in our lives. God renews us through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus… it’s God’s work, not ours.
  • Finally, sanctifying grace… or the ongoing transformation of our lives. We are called to grow more like Jesus every day of our life. God pours grace into us to help us respond with love and compassion every single day
  • We believe the Church is not a building; it’s the body of Christ, with Jesus Christ as the Head. A vibrant church preaches and studies from the Bible, prays for one another and the world, and serves as ambassadors of Jesus Christ as they speak up for the voiceless among us.
  • We do not believe that we have it all figured out.
  • The church is an extension of Christ’s life and ministry in the world today. Being a church family together gives us the ability to work towards things being on earth as they are in heaven.
  • The mission of The United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. John Wesley and the early Methodists placed primary emphasis on Christian living, on putting faith and love into action. 

  • This emphasis on what Wesley referred to as “practical divinity” continues to be a hallmark of United Methodist Church today as we seek to help those around us live fulfilling lives with all their needs met.


We believe communion is a remembrance of the suffering and death of Christ, and a way of drawing Christians’ focus back to the essentials of faith on a regular basis. We believe in an open table — that all who believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord are welcome to participate in this blessing from God. (Luke 22:14-21)

On the first Sunday of every month, we celebrate Holy Communion together.  All Christians are welcome at our table, whatever their denomination. You need not be a member of the United Methodist Church or even a baptized Christian.  Children are welcome to take communion.  It is up to their parents to decide when they should begin receiving it. 

In baptism we acknowledge that we are beloved children of God. Baptism is our opportunity to pledge our faith and love for God and acknowledge that through God’s Holy Spirit we are transformed for new life. 

We believe that baptism is right at any age, from infant to adult. Adults and youth, who have not yet been baptized, are welcome to profess their faith in Jesus Christ and be baptized. Children and others who cannot yet make decisions for themselves are presented for baptism by parents or guardians. By their profession of faith, they vow to nurture their loved ones in the Christian faith and bring them to the point where they can take the Baptism vows themselves.

Baptisms are performed with the community of faith present so that the church might also vow to support the baptized. Baptism is performed by an ordained pastor and can be done by sprinkling (water on the top of the head), pouring or immersion.

If you are interested in baptism for your child or yourself, we celebrate this decision and God’s grace working in your life. Please contact the church office for more information.


Just as the greatest commandments from God are to love God and love others (Matthew 22:36-40),
God calls us to commit ourselves to Him, and to one another (Ephesians 2:19, 2 Corinthians. 8:5).

If you’re ready to take the step to become a member, or if you want to explore further what membership is, we invite you to learn more about membership and our church by taking our membership class.  This class is a basic introduction to our church family and is designed to clearly explain who and what our church is. You’ll hear the values, history, structure, and future vision of FUMC Saline.

Being a member means committing to FUMC Saline and our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.  Members are expected to regularly attend worship and give of themselves as able with their time, talent, and treasure.

To attend the next membership class, please contact the church office at (734) 429-4730.   The class ends with an opportunity to officially become a member of FUMC Saline.


As members of The United Methodist Church, we are called by God to make our ministries safe and to protect children, youth, and vulnerable adults from abuse and exploitation. God has also called us to create communities of faith where children, youth, and vulnerable adults can be safe and grow strong.

FUMC Saline is a Safer Sanctuary church.  Our written policy provides specific procedures for vetting new staff and first-time volunteers; provides for initial classroom training on the precepts and procedures in our policy; and prescribes regular refresher training.  Our policy is continually updated and now includes Youthful Volunteer and Electronic Communications Guidelines.

Follow the links below to view the latest revision of our policy, refresher training video, and Covenant of Participation Reaffirmation form. 

Individuals with known, severe allergies are likely to have been prescribed an EpiPen® (epinephrine) Auto-Injector.  Ministry workers may need to assist in the use of an EpiPen.  A short training video on when and how to use an EpiPen is also linked below.



Our building is available for use by our members and the community.  We are happy to provide space for weddings, showers, and funerals or memorial services.  Scheduling is dependent on a number of conditions including:

  • The nature and size of your event

  • One time use versus ongoing programming

  • Desired access to our kitchen or audio-visual equipment

  • Availability of our staff and/or clergy to provide support service including set-up and take down

Please note that the availability of our building may be impacted by changes to our Covid-19 policy.

Contact the church office during business hours at (734) 429-4730 for more information.


1200 N Ann Arbor Street
Saline, MI 48176

(734) 429-4730


Enter our parking lot from Woodland Drive.


Click the floor plan image for a larger view.

Our Staff

Ben Schaaf

Worship Media Technology Director
office: (734) 429-4730

Mary Hagley

Director of Family Ministries
office: (734) 429-4730

Sherry Stone

Director of Christian Education
office: (734) 429-4730